Hayfield Weather
This site has live and historical weather data for Hayfield (Derbyshire). The weather station is located around 900m west of Hayfield and 195m ASL. Weather data has been recorded since Nov 2018.

Weather readings are collected every 15 minutes on the quarter hour and this web page is updated a couple of minutes later. This page shows the latest readings and there are also 24 hour, 7 day, 30 day, 90 day and monthly historical graphs, accessed via links at the top of each page. The 24 hour graphs are updated every 15 minutes and the others are updated just after midnight each day.

If you find this site useful or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to email me. If you want a forecast, you should look elsewhere!

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Latest weather
Updated: Sat, 27 Jul 2024, 12:00
Temperature Current 22.1 °C

Maximum, last 24 hours 24.3 °C (Fri, 16:30)

Minimum, last 24 hours 14.3 °C (Sat, 05:15)

Rainfall Last 15 mins 0.0 mm

Last 3 hours 0.0 mm

Last 24 hours 0.0 mm

Pressure Current 1015.2 mbar

3 hours ago 1014.7 mbar

Trend Rising slowly, 0.16 mbar/hour

Humidity Current 54 %

Wind Current Speed 1.8 mph (0.8 m/s)

Maximum Speed, last 15 mins 6.2 mph (2.8 m/s)

Current Direction W (279 degrees)