Bullock Smithy - Results Pages
This page displays results data for the Bullock Smithy Hike. It contains three forms which allow you to generate a range of views of the data and to search for individuals who have taken part in the hike over the years. There are also three supplementary pages which you may find useful:
Latest news:
Site updated: 22 Sep 2024
Bullock Smithy 2024 - hope you all had fun this time. This year's results are now available thanks to FellTrack and Andrew Whitehead. Nigel's report is also here now...
Nigel Aston reports... - Nigel has written about the highs and lows of his runs for the past two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen years - thanks Nigel! - here are his reports...
Everyone who ever entered ... - here is a full list of everyone who has done the hike - over 5000 names from 1976 to 2024!
Display results by year
1) Select the year that you are interested in.
2) Select an output type. There are currently four output formats and you can find out what they are by trying them or click here for more details. If you have an idea for another way of presenting the data please let me know via the feedback section.
3) Select a browser output format. You probably want to leave this set to "HTML" but "Plain Text" may print better for you.
4) Click on the button to display the results in your chosen format.
Or click here for a full RESULTS INDEX
Search for a hiker
Type in the surname of a hiker and then press the Enter key (or click the button) to obtain a listing of all hikers with that name and their results over the years.
Display checkpoint arrival times
Enter up to seven hikers' surnames in the box below, select a year and click Display.
Names: Year:
Site maintained by Steve Temple